Scope of Activity
Controlled Demolition, Decommission, Recycling and Land Remediation
Our scope of activity includes Controlled Demolition, Dismantling, Recycling and Land Remediation. Our demolition services include comprehensive demolition, partial demolition, metals recycling, construction waste recycling, asbestos removal and special schemes.
Comprehensive Demolition
This category includes the “classic” demolition jobs, where the tender issuer’s or the body handing over the work’s objective is to receive a clean space that is ready for its proposed purpose, be it a residential building, shopping mall, industrial facility, warehouse, and so forth. This is the company’s main area of expertise, and we are proud to be industry leaders in Israel experienced in demolishing some of the largest factories in Israel (such as Nesher, Fenizia, HaMegafer, Ata, and more), large buildings (such as Beit Merkazim in Tel Aviv, the large refrigeration plants in Haifa and three 5 stories buildings in Makhteshim factory in Be'er SHeva) and demolition of the old Paz Bridge and the train bridge in Atlith.

Excavator on its wat to demolish a small building
The business proceedings in this category are carried out vis-a-vis private and institutional entrepreneurs, through bids or via direct contact. Since it falls in the category of enterprise, we are usually required to quickly clear the site for the construction work, on a very tight schedule.
The demolition scope and bills of quantities in this category are of the largest scope and our ability to accurately estimate the volume of anticipated activity receives double validity. Moreover, projects of this type go through a number of sensitive points during the demolition process. These milestones are carefully considered by our experienced planning team to provide with creative and safe solutions for all technical engineering problems.
In these types of schemes we handle massive operations that combine operating heavy earth moving equipment and other technical solutions, specialized demolitions crews, health and safety inspection crews, traffic engineering crews, and more. Beyond this there is a preliminary and real time coordination with the administrative statutory elements such as the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of the Environment, the Police, local municipalities, etc. Large demolition projects such as the demolition of the old Paz Bridge (near the Checkpost Junction in Haifa) and demolition of the train bridge in Atlith required our personal attention and presence in order to synchronize between all the elements working on the project.
Environmental awareness is an extremely important factor when working with institutional bodies and public companies, since these are committed to strict social and regulatory standards. We are committed to those same standards since we work within the general framework of the Ministry of the Environment. We work only with qualified personnel when handling with hazardous materials, thus, we employ a full-time Environmental Engineer to maintain a contemporary interface between us and the environment.
Leaders in controlled demolition, we are often invited to provide consultation and advice to Israeli enterprises in Israel and the around the world.
For Partial Demolition/ Special Schemes - click here >>
For Decommission - click here >>
For Asbestos Removal - click here >>
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